Query : select urun.*,kategori.namePath from urun,kategori,marka where ((1=1 ) AND (urun.userGroup like '%,,%' OR urun.userGroup = '')) AND urun.active=1 AND urun.markaID = marka.ID AND kategori.active=1 AND urun.catID=kategori.ID AND (kategori.name like '%%ay%' OR urun.ID = '%%ay%' OR marka.name like '%%ay%' OR urun.name like '%%%ay%%' OR urun.onDetay like '%%%ay%%' OR urun.tedarikciCode like '%%%ay%%' OR urun.gtin like '%%%ay%%' OR urun.data1 like '%%%ay%%' OR urun.seo like '%%%ay%%' OR urun.name like '%%%AY%%' OR urun.filitre like '%%%AY%%' OR urun.filitre like '%%%ay%%' OR urun.metaKeywords like '%%%AY%%' OR urun.metaKeywords like '%%%ay%%' OR urun.metaDescription like '%%%AY%%' OR urun.metaDescription like '%%%ay%%' OR (urun.name like '%%%ay%' AND urun.name like '%%')) AND urun.fiyat >= '0' AND fiyat <= '99999999999' group by urun.catID order by kategori.namePath, urun.name like '% Çay %' desc,urun.name like '%Çay %' desc,if(urun.resim = '' or urun.resim is null,1,0),if(urun.stok = 0,1,0),urun.seq desc,urun.ID desc
Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql-temptable-65d-220a1f3-6f9f8.MAI' (Errcode: 30 "Read-only file system")